The first instalment of Path Integral IV, featuring Ede, Konvex & the Shadow, Melokolektiv and Rina Ka will be out on December 4th 2020.
Dixon choice to open his set with at Tomorrowland 2020 is quite clear after you listen this stunning track!
We at Underground Tel-Aviv picked Ede to premiere under our blog and we absolutely LOVE it!
After a transcendental experience at the Panorama Bar in early 2016, Ede decidedto move to Berlin and dive deep into music production in his home studio. The qualityand depth of his music was recognized early by leading personalities of the sceneandfirst releases on Innervisions (Ame & Dixon), as well as Correspondant (JenniferCardini) and later on TAU (Adana Twins) followed. Also through worldwide gigs hisfanbase grows to an international level.
Release Date: 04-12-2020.
Label: Sum Over Histories.
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